La congregación se estableció en el 2012 con la visión de alcanzar las más almas posibles con el evangelio. Les compartimos un poco sobre quiénes somos y qué esperamos ser.    


Nuestras creencias

The heart of the Christian faith is expressed in a story, not in a list like the one you will find below.  We believe that God is best understood through the way he has revealed himself to human beings throughout history, the heart of which is described in a book called the Bible.  Still, the following descriptions may be helpful in understanding some of the highlights of what we believe about God and our part in the story of faith.

God: We believe in the one God of the universe, who created and sustains life.  Though God is one, we believe that God is the unity of three distinct Persons--Father, Son, and Spirit--which for centuries Christians have called the Holy Trinity.  We believe that God is beyond our full comprehension, yet wants to be known by us through a deep and loving relationship with his creation.  

Human Beings: We believe that God created human beings in love and in his own image.  Like all creation, humans are created good and designed to share in the love and compassion of our maker.  We believe that God created all human beings equally and blessed us with the unique diversities of gender, ethnicity, personality, skill, and passion, so that we might better understand God as we live in community with one another.  

Sin: We believe that human beings are also created with the freedom to choose good or evil, love or hate, peace or violence.  Though God is good and desires that people share in his goodness, humans throughout history have sinned, choosing evil instead of good.  Sin violates our nature and harms our relationship with the God who made us.

Jesus: We believe that, because of our sin, God lovingly became a human being in human history as a person named Jesus, so that in Jesus, God might save humanity from our sin and restore our relationship with God.  We believe that Jesus was fully divine yet fully human, and that he shared in the full experience of human life and struggle, yet without sin.  We believe that Jesus was crucified on a cross, but that God raised him from the dead.  We believe that Jesus' death and resurrection restores the relationship between God and human beings which was broken by human sin.

Church: We believe that Jesus' life, death, and resurrection have significance for the way people live today.  During his life, Jesus called people to follow his teachings and example.  Since the time of his resurrection, people who believe in Jesus have shared in a community called the church, where believers worship God and support one another in living like Jesus lived.  We believe that God works in and through the church to continue to show his love and mercy to the world.

The Bible: We believe, as mentioned above, that God desires to be known by human beings and that God is best known through the story of God's interaction with human beings.  The Bible is a collection of the stories and writings of believers in God which Christians view as a foundational source of insight and guidance into who God is and what God intends for humanity.  We believe that the Bible is God-inspired, meaning that God has worked through the words of many human authors throughout history to communicate his message in a special way, which enables Christians to know God and how to be like God in our own lives.  

Adoración: Creemos que el Dios que crea, sostiene y restaura la vida al mundo es digno de alabanza y adoración. Creemos que la vida entera de un cristiano está destinada a ser un acto de adoración a Dios, dando gloria a Dios siguiendo los pasos de Jesús. Como comunidad de creyentes, también compartimos actos de adoración específicos, que marcan el ritmo de nuestras vidas de fe compartidas. Por ejemplo, los cristianos participan en una reunión semanal los domingos, donde alabamos a Dios en una canción y escuchamos un mensaje de su palabra, y donde compartimos una comida simbólica llamada comunión que conmemora la muerte salvadora de Jesús. Los cristianos también comparten una práctica llamada bautismo, una proclamación de fe de una vez por todas en Jesucristo, a través de la cual Dios comunica el perdón y equipa al creyente para toda una vida de compromiso con Dios.

Esperanza: Creemos que, en Jesús, Dios desea restaurar una relación amorosa y eterna con todas las personas. Todas las personas son bienvenidas a compartir la esperanza y la gracia que Dios ha dado libremente al mundo. Creemos en la promesa de la vida eterna para aquellos que son fieles a Dios (Apocalipsis 2:10).


Desea saber más?

Nos encantaría hablar más con usted sobre quiénes somos y cómo nos esforzamos por ser como Jesús en nuestra comunidad. La mejor manera de obtener más información es que nos visite en una de nuestras reuniones o eventos de adoración. Todos son bienvenidos para asistir. También puede contactarnos si desea obtener más información sobre Dios o sobre College Hill. Puede seguir el siguiente enlace aquí para encontrar formas de contactarnos: